Athena Peppes Athena Peppes

Podcast: What is the impact of Generative AI on professional services?

On my recent podcast appearance I demystify how boutique firms can leverage AI to distill valuable insights from existing client relationships. I explore the transformative power of generative AI in professional services, emphasizing the importance of high-end thought leadership amidst an oversaturated content landscape.

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Athena Peppes, Futurist Strategist

Meet Athena: Futurist Speaker & Executive Advisor

Empowering Leaders with Strategic Foresight on Economic and Technological Futures

Discover how Athena guides global organizations with her expert insights on the future of AI, neurotechnology, space tech, economic growth frontiers and more. Dive deeper into her journey from a seasoned economist to a pioneering futurist.

Read more about Athena’s experience